Special Issue on CIASE 2017

The deadline for the submission to the Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Science and Engineering is fast approaching: 31st January, 2017.

Here below a brief reminder on submission topics and submission procedure:

Authors are invited to submit papers on one or more of the following topics
•    Global trajectory optimisation
•    Multidisciplinary design of space and aerospace systems
•    Formation and constellation design and control
•    Autonomous control of spacecraft and rovers
•    Planning and scheduling for autonomous systems in space
•    Multiobjective optimisation for aerospace applications
•    Resource allocation and programmatics
•    Evolutionary computation for Concurrent Engineering
•    Distributed global optimisation and cloud computing
•    Mission planning and control
•    Optimisation Under Uncertainty and Uncertainty Quantification
•    Intelligent search and optimization methods in aerospace
•    Image analysis for Guidance Navigation and Control
•    Autonomous exploration of interplanetary and planetary environments
•    AI, Artificial Life and Swarm Intelligence in aerospace research
•    Intelligent algorithms for fault identification, diagnosis and repair
•    Multi-agent systems approach and bio-inspired solutions for system design and control
•    Advances in machine learning for space and aerospace applications
•    Intelligent interfaces for human-machine interaction
•    Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and presentation of large data sets
•    Air Traffic Management and Control
•    Computational intelligence for expensive large scale problems
•    Analysis and control of Complex aerospace systems

Submission Process

The paper length for the manuscript is typically 20 pages in a single-column double-space format including tables, figures and references (10 pages in a two-column single-space format). Authors of papers should specify in the first page of their manuscripts the corresponding author’s contact and up to 5 keywords. Details on the submission process are available at the following link http://utopiae.eu/about/utopiae-training/research/ieee-computational-intelligence-in-aerospace-sciences/ieee-activities/special-issue-on-ciase-2017/

Easychair submission page is

Important Dates
•    31st January, 2017: Submission of Manuscripts
•    15th April, 2017: Notification of Review Results
•    15th May, 2017: Submission of Revised Manuscripts
•    15th June, 2017: Submission of Final Manuscripts
•    November 2017: Publication

Guest Editor
Prof. Massimiliano Vasile
Chairman of the CIS ETTC Task Force on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Sciences
Aerospace Centre of Excellence
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Dr. Chit Hong Yam
Co-Chair of the CIS ETTC Task Force on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Sciences
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Sagamihara, Japan

Dr. Edmondo Minisci
Member of the CIS ETTC Task Force on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Sciences
Centre for Future Air-Space Transportation Technologies
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Prof Ke Tang
School of Computer Science and Technology
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, Anhui, China, 230027
Phone: +86-551-63600547