CFP: EVOApplications 2018 – Parma, 4-6 April 2018

EvoApplications, the European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation brings together researchers in a variety of areas of application of Evolutionary Computation and other Nature-inspired techniques.

Submission Deadline: 1 November 2017, 16 pages Springer LNCS

Authors of selected publications will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to Springer’s Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (GPEM, impact factor: 1.514, fast track review process).

EvoApplications’ 21st edition will be held as part of the EvoStar 2018 event in Parma, Italy, 4-6 April 2018, and co-located within EvoStar ( with three related conferences: EuroGP, EvoCOP, and EvoMUSART.
With CEC taking place in Brasil and GECCO in Japan, in 2018 Evostar in Parma, Italy, and PPSN in Coimbra, Portugal, will be the main events dedicated to Evolutionary Computation which will be held in Europe. They are conveniently scheduled in spring and late summer, respectively.

– Page limit: 16 pages.
– Accepted papers will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series.
– The review process is double-blind. Please ensure to anonymize your
submission accordingly.
– Selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to Genetic
Programming and Evolvable Machines.

The Venue
Parma is an elegant city with the refined atmosphere of a “petite capitale”.
It is rich in cultural treasures and with its attractive architecture, shops, and restaurants, it is very welcoming. Parma is a center of gastronomic heritage, famous for Parma ham and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. The conference will be held at the University Campus.

EvoApplications 2018 is composed of 14 tracks, each focusing on an area of
application of genetic and evolutionary computation and other related
Computational Intelligence fields. The following tracks will be running in
2018. Papers on applications of Evolutionary Computation and related methods to other fields are also welcome and will be presented within a “General” track.

  • EvoBAFIN – Natural Computing Methods in Business Analytics and Finance.
  • EvoBIO – Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining for Biology and Medicine.
  • EvoCOMNET   – Nature-inspired Techniques for Communication Networks and other Parallel and Distributed Systems.
  • EvoCOMPLEX – Evolutionary Algorithms and Complex Systems.
  • EvoENERGY – Evolutionary Algorithms in Energy Applications.
  • EvoGAMES – Bio-inspired Algorithms in Games.
  • EvoIASP – Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition.
  • EvoINDUSTRY – Evolutionary and Bio- Inspired Computational Techniques within Real-World Industrial and Commercial Environments.
  • EvoKNOW – Knowledge Incorporation in Evolutionary Computation.
  • EvoNUM – Bio-inspired algorithms for Continuous Parameter
  • EvoPAR – Parallel Architectures and Distributed Infrastructures.
  • EvoROBOT – Evolutionary Robotics.
  • EvoSET – Nature-inspired algorithms in Software Engineering and Testing.
  • EvoSTOC – Evolutionary Algorithms and Metaheuristics in Stochastic and Dynamic Environments.

Visit or join the EVOstar group on LinkedIn for more details and updates.