Silvino Fernández is talking about optimization in steel industry: “Criticality of Response Time in the usage of Metaheuristics in Industry”. Now: “System demonstration, ArcelorMittal Scheduling and Tuning suite“. There is more to come this afternoon #GECCO2016.
• 2:00 Bogdan Filipic: “Challenges of Deploying Evolutionary Computation in Steel Industry”
• 2:30 Carlos A. Coello Coello: “Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization in Real- World Applications”
• 3:55 Anna Esparcia Alcazar: “EC in industry: the quest for the Holy Grail – from Brain Computer Interfaces to automated testing with TESTAR”
• 3:20 Michael Affenzeller: “Heuristic Optimization in Production and Logistics”
Wednesday July 20, 2016 4:10pm-6:00pm Session II
• 4:10 Thomas Bäck: “Intelligent Industry Solutions”
• 4:40 Felipe Campelo: “EAs for aeronautical optimization – some results and challenges”
• 5:10 Erik Goodman: “How to Introduce Academic-developed EC Technology to Industry”
• 5:40 Anna Esparcia Alcazar, Thomas Bäck, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Felipe Campelo, Silvino Fernández, Erik Goodman, Thomas Stützle: “Panel Discussion” A panel of experts with decades of real-world application experience will be answering questions posed by attendees of the sessions. We expect interesting discussions related – but not only restricted – to the following topics: 1) Industrial problems that lie on the cutting edge of EA development. This session gives you the opportunity to get free consulting from the experts. 2) Getting a job with training in evolutionary computation can be much easier if you know the things to do and the things not to do in your last year or two of study. You will hear from a panel of experts who have trained students and who have hired students to carry out real-world optimization. Highly recommended if you will be looking for a job in the next few years – or if you are thinking of changing jobs.