The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), organized by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), is the largest conference in the field of genetic and evolutionary computation and presents the latest high-quality results in this growing field.
The GECCO Industrial Challenge is a yearly competition for CI researchers and practitioners taking place at the GECCO. It poses difficult real-world problems provided by industry partners from various fields. Highlights of the GECCO Industrial Challenge include:
- Interesting Problem Domains
- Real-world Data
- Realistic Quality Measurement
- Fair Submission Assessment
The GECCO IC2018 is now closed, results will soon be online!
Check out GECCO IC2018 for more information. This year for the first time also with the option for 2-page paper submissions!
For information about previous Challenges please visit:
GECCO IC2017 — Monitoring Drinking Water Quality
GECCO IC2015 — Recovering missing information in heating system operating data
GECCO IC2014 — Active protection against pollution of the surface water
GECCO IC2013 — Optimizing Room Climates by Climate Data Forecasting
GECCO IC2012 — Optimizing Energy Efficiency by Consumption Data Forecasting
GECCO IC2011 — Optimizing Foreign Exchange Trading Strategies
GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ACM SIGEVO).