Call For Entries for 14th Annual (2017) “Humies” Awards for Human-Competitive Results
Produced by Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
To be Held at
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
July 15-19, 2017 (Saturday-Wednesday)
Entries are hereby solicited for awards totaling $10,000 for human-competitive results that have been produced by any form of genetic and evolutionary computation (including, but not limited to genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, learning classifier systems, grammatical evolution, gene expression programming, differential evolution, etc.) and that have been published in the open literature between the deadline for the previous competition and the deadline for the current competition.
The competition will be held as part of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO) conference operated by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO). Entries chosen to be finalists will be made at the conference. The winners of the awards will be announced during the conference.
• Wednesday June 7, 2017 — Deadline for entries (consisting of one TEXT file and one or more PDF files). Send entries to koza at human-competitive dot org
• Wednesday June 21, 2017 — Finalists will be notified by e-mail
• Wednesday July 5, 2017 — Finalists must submit their presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, PDF) for posting on the competition’s web site. Send presentations to koza at human-competitive dot org
• July 15-19, 2017 (Saturday-Wednesday) — The GECCO conference
• Monday July 17, 2017 (VERY TENTATIVE) — Presentations before judging committee at public session of the GECCO conference. Finalists should make a point of checking for the time and date in the conference’s final schedule.
• Wednesday July 19, 2017 (TENTATIVE) — Announcement of awards at plenary session of the GECCO conference
• Erik Goodman
• Una-May O’Reilly
• Wolfgang Banzhaf
• Darrell Whitley
• Lee Spector