SEAL 2017: Call for Tutorials

Call for Tutorials
The 11th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL 2017)
takes place November 10-13, 2017 in Shenzhen, China.

Tutorials at SEAL 2017 will be presented by domain experts to cover current topics relevant to evolutionary computation and learning. The tutorials should provide clear and focused contents covering new and emerging topics within the scope.
We encourage the inclusion of interactive activities and demos.
Tutorials will be free to all SEAL 2017 attendees.
Submission Process
Each tutorial proposal should include:
1. A half-page extended abstract (in plain text) that includes: the title of the tutorial, the outline of the tutorial, the name and affiliation of the instructor(s), and a description of the tutorial scope and content.
2. Short bio of the instructor(s) (about half page in plain text).
3. Highly encouraged: A description of any interactive activity or demo planned within the tutorial presentation.
4. Previous tutorial experience of the tutorial speaker(s) if they have.
Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the SEAL 2017 tutorial chairs, based on the SEAL attendees’ likely interest in them, the breadth and depth of the topic(s), and the expertise and credentials of the instructor(s).
Information and Submissions
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format electronically via emails to the tutorial co-chairs given below. The deadline for submissions is April 30th, 2017.