SPOT 2.5.0 Uploaded to CRAN

This is the new SPOT core package. Additional functions were moved to
the new package SPOTMisc, which was submitted to CRAN today.
SPOTMisc_1.2.2 has been auto-processed and is pending a manual inspection.
Maintainability will be improved, because SPOT 2.5 has a reduced number of dependencies.


SPOT provides a set of tools for model-based optimization and tuning of 
 algorithms. It includes surrogate models, optimizers, and 
 design of experiment approaches. The main interface is spot, 
 which uses sequentially updated surrogate models for the 
 purpose of efficient optimization. The main goal is to ease 
 the burden of objective function evaluations, when a single 
 evaluation requires a significant amount of resources. 

Package Information

Package: SPOT
Version: 2.5.0 
Title: Sequential Parameter Optimization Toolbox 
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0) 
Suggests:, batchtools, car, farff, knitr, 
 microbenchmark, rmarkdown, OpenML, party, RColorBrewer, readr, 
License: GPL (>=2) 
Imports: DEoptim, ggplot2, glmnet, graphics, grDevices, laGP, MASS, 
 nloptr, plgp, plotly, rpart, randomForest, ranger, rgenoud, 
 rsm, stats, utils