Tea Tušar is a research associate at the Department of Intelligent Systems of the Jožef Stefan Institute, and an assistant professor at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, both in Ljubljana, Slovenia. After receiving the PhD degree in Information and Communication Technologies from the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School for her work on visualizing solution sets in multiobjective optimization, she has completed a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at Inria Lille in France where she worked on benchmarking multiobjective optimizers. Her research interests include evolutionary algorithms for singleobjective and multiobjective optimization with emphasis on visualizing and benchmarking their results and applying them to real-world problems.
In the Evolutionary Computation in Practice (ECiP) track, well-known speakers with outstanding reputation in academia and industry present background and insider information on how to establish reliable cooperation with industrial partners. They actually run companies or are involved in cooperation between academia and industry.
If you attend, you will learn multiple ways to extend EC practice beyond the approaches found in textbooks. Experts in real-world optimization with decades of experience share their approaches to creating successful projects for real-world clients. Some of what they do is based on sound project management principles, and some is specific to our type of optimization projects. If you are working in academia and are interested in managing industrial projects, you will receive valuable hints for your own research projects.
In 2021, ECiP will be online (virtual) for the first time, which is a great challenge for a track that relies on personal interactions. We will do our best to enable opportunities for establishing contacts among participants.
More: https://www.spotseven.de/gecco/evolutionary-computation-in-practice/ecip-2021/